Ok, so Maddie takes her dolly everywhere. And she's got about 6 different ones that she just loves! So, she trades off which one she wants to take with her. Well, today we went to Target, and she wanted to take Baby MARCO with us. First off, meaning behind the name, she's into this one episode of Sesame Street, where Gina (the Vet) adopts a baby, and his name is Marco. So, Maddie had to name one of her babies Marco, super funny! So, anyway, we're at Target, and she brings baby Marco. We do our shopping, and we're out in the parking lot, and Maddie realizes she has lost baby Marco. OMG, major crisis! So, I take her back into Target, and re-track our steps. Finally, I saw baby Marco's legs sticking out from a clothes rack! Phew! I grabbed baby Marco and gave him (well, it's actually a girl dolly) to Maddie, who was in tears by this point. Poor little thing. Baby Marco is now safe at home ;)
1 comment:
I am glad baby Marco is safe and sound. I don't know what I will do if Eeyore is ever lost. Carter would be so upset, and we dont' have another one to replace it. We have started leaving him in the car when we go away so we know where he is at all times. I have to see what Peyton gets attached to. Hopefully it is something I can get a bunch of.
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