Thursday, February 28, 2008


So, my little man is teething, and has been for the past month and a half. I was surprised that he was already getting teeth at 6 1/2 months because Maddie was 9 months when she got her first tooth. I guess she was late. So, he's already got his two top and two bottom. Now he's getting two more on top, right next to his two front teeth. I've been having to give him Motrin at night because he just can't seem to get comfy. He's usually so easy to put down for bed, but lately not so easy. I can't just lay him down anymore without a fuss. I hate it. I could never do the crying out thing w/ Maddie, I just wouldn't do it. And I told myself with Chad I was going to have to do things differently because there's now way I can have 2 children sleeping in our Queen bed, Maddie takes up most of the bed as it is now. So, I thought I was lucky when Chad was going right to sleep, no crying, I would lay him down, he'd grab onto his paci, and to sleep he went. I thought, how lucky am I? There's no way it's this easy! Well, of course, all good things must come to an end. It took about 4 times to put him in his crib tonight. He just cried and cried. Well, actually it was more of a scream and a wail. And, he gets right up to the edge of the crib, and gets up on all fours and just looks at me, like "why are you leaving me mama?" Agh, I hate that! So of course, I have to pick him up and shush him and tell him it's ok. I know a lot of it has to do with his gums hurting and all. It's so sad that they have to go through all that pain, especially when they don't understand why they are in pain. Hopefully he can get back to his good sleeping habits soon. Until then, I guess I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.

Maddie's silly faces....... and one scary one!

So, Maddie loves to make faces. She gets so worked up when doing this that she ends up spitting and drooling and just goes nuts! Here are some of her silly faces.

Ok, and now this is the scary one. It's very disturbing....

Gotta love her!

Back to work today.

Well, I knew Chris would be finishing his job soon, but I didn't know that it would be YESTERDAY! So I had to go back to work today, and tomorrow. That's the thing with being a self employed contractor, you don't always have work. But, in just three days, he made what I make in 2 weeks. Too bad it has already gone to bills. I'm still hoping to win that LOTTO! I know, I'm dreaming!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Good to be home!

Well, Chris has a job for a few days, so I've been home with the kids, and let me tell you, I'm in heaven! Work has been crazy, over 800 evictions in one month, we're at our all time high! So, being home with the kids this week is actually relaxing compared to the office (believe it or not). This is my day in a nutshell. 7am, Chad wakes, feed him, play. 8:30/9; Maddie wakes, feed her, watch TV, play, do laundry. 10am, put Chad down for a nap, play with Maddie, do some housework. 11:30, Chad wakes, give him a bottle/& lunch, make Maddie lunch... eat. Go outside, play, take a walk, play more. 2:30 Go inside, put both kids down for a nap, and rest a bit myself. 4:30/5, Chad usually wakes first, then Maddie. Give Chad a bottle, play, 5:30/6, Chris & grandma get home. Dinner. 7/7:30, bathtime, read books, eat snack, brush teeth, bedtime by 9:00. Work is just a constant rush it seems like. The day is over before I know it, which I guess is a good thing when your at work.

Today was so nice and hot outside that Maddie got the hose out. Chad was roaming around in his walker and he started to tip-toe into the water. I told Maddie DON'T GET YOUR BROTHER WET! I stepped inside the doorway really quick to grab the camera, because they were being so darn cute, and with just a blink of an eye, Maddie was hosing Chad off. OMG, poor little Chad. He was in such shock by the cold water that was splashing on his chest, that he didn't even cry at first. Thank god she didn't put the water over his head. I think she knew better then to do that. I really don't think she meant to get him wet, because she was hosing off the tray of his walker, and it was of course overflowing and splashing him and running down into his seat. So anyway, that was the end of the water for the day. Maybe tomorrow if it's hot we can try it again and I can get some pics!

Friday, February 15, 2008

What a week it's been!

Well, the week started off by driving to Vegas on Sunday. I was dreading this trip, not only because I would have to face my grandmothers death in reality, but also because both Maddie and Chad were sick. Chad came down with the same cold (but worse) that Maddie had the week before. Chad's temp went up to 101.6, he had a very stuffy and at times runny nose, and he just seemed so miserable. I hate taking the kids to the Dr., especially now that my co-payment went up to $40.00. But, since I was taking him out of state, and on a long car ride, I wanted to take him to the Dr. to make sure he didn't have an ear infection, or fluid in his lungs, because even his breathing sounded weird. So, last Friday I took him to the Dr., and they said he was totally fine, that we should be ok on the long drive. So, Sunday came, and we were off. Chad did pretty well on the ride out there, he slept about 2-3 hours of the trip, and the other hour he was up and just really upset to still be strapped in that un-comfy car seat. Maddie had no complaints, she was watching her shows on her DVD player the whole way, and even slept a little. We arrived in Vegas around 6:30 pm, checked into our hotel, and went over to visit with my gramps. The next day was the funeral, which we arrived at my Grandpa's house around 10:30 in the morning, then from there we all drove over to the memorial service. It was open casket, which was really hard to deal with. It was hard seeing her like that. And still, I can't get the vision out of my head. It was 2 hours of crying and sadness. But, we got through it. My brother was there by my side through the whole things, don't know what I would have done w/out him. So, after the service, we went to my uncles, and just visited with family, spent time w/ my gramps, and that was about it. Tuesday we drove home, same thing with Chad, slept a few hours, and towards the end, he was just over it.

Also this week, we had relatives visiting from back east, and they just left this morning for Hawaii. So, things are finally getting back to normal. I havn't had much time to blog, myspace, e-mail, watch TV, spend time w/ Chris, etc. I've been working every day, then when I come home I try and spend as much time with Maddie and Chad as possible, because I just feel so bad that I've been working. In the mornings I try to get out of the house before 7:30, or else if Maddie is up, she just cries and doesn't want me to leave. It's so hard :( I just pray that Chris can find something soon. I thought I would like going back to work, but I would rather stay home with the kids.

Next week is going to be hectic as well. I'm having a Bridal Shower for my friend on the 24th (next Sunday) and I've got a million things I have to do to get ready for it. The house is a mess (with toys toys and more toys). I'm going to have to clear out the living room, not sure where I'm going to put everything, as the garage is plum full of stuff. My room is a mess, I just don't have time to clean all that much it seems like. I really need to get organized, that's the bottom line. Wish me luck!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

R.I.P Grandma

February 5, 2008 was a very sad day. My grandma passed away. It's been a hard week on me, especially because my grandparents live in Las Vegas, not like I can pick up and run over there quickly. I got the news on my drive home from work, and as soon I saw that it was my cousin Shannon calling me, I had a sinking feeling in my stomach that something was terribly wrong. My grandma was a strong Italian woman, who always spoke her mind, yet she was so caring, so loving, and I will hold her in my heart forever. I didn't get out to Vegas often to visit, and it just makes me so sad because I wish I could have spent more time with her. I will always remember when I was a little girl, going over to my grandparents house in Duarte, I always had so much fun. My grandpa would play the piano, and my grandma would run and grab masks all all these musical instruments, and we'd dance around the living room wearing our masks and just lauging so hard. I will never forget all the great times we had, and all the memories we made that will hold dear in my heart forever. I am so thankful that I was able to get out there last September so that she could meet Chad. I have posted some pic's of that recent trip, and some pic's of my trip out there when Maddie was only 6 months old. Monday is her memorial service, and we are driving out to Vegas Sunday to be with my grandpa and family. I feel so bad for my gramps, he is just heartbroken. I just wish I was there right now to give him a big hug. I love you and miss you grandma. I know you are my angel, looking over me always. xoxo