Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Chad loves........

FOOD!!! Man, this boy can eat! He loves Mac N Cheese and especially loves RICE! It just cracks me up to watch him eat. Tonight he was eating rice, and he uses his little pinchers and grabs up the tiniest amount and really quickly shoves it in his mouth in fear of losing it. Then he laughs. Today we had a lot of fun playing, he loves to play with Maddie's Little People. We got Maddie the school for her birthday, and Chad loves to put the little people in the little tire swing. He thinks it's so cool that these little people can do all these things. He puts them in, takes em out, puts them in, he'll do this over and over. He has also learned to share. Before if you tried to take something from him he would cry. But, now we have this little game we play where I say "give it to momma" and he'll give me whatever it is he's holding, then he'll wait for me to give it back to him. This game can go on forever too. Chad also loves to swing with his sister. It's really cute, and I'll have to get a picture of what they just started doing. When they are swinging next to each other, when their swings are going right next to each other, they just gaze into each others eyes and hold their little hands out to one another and they will swing while holding hands and just giggle back and forth. It's the sweetest thing. I just think to myself, this is only the beginning of how much fun they will have with one another. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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