Saturday, December 20, 2008

Allergy or Eczema...???

Chad has had a rash on his elbows for about 2 weeks now. I didn't want to take him into the Dr. because of all the sickness going around and the Dr's office is full of sickies. So, this morning he was messing with his ears and he had a rash on his cheeks. I couldn't take it anymore, I had to take him in just for some sort of explanation of what this could be. I took him to Urgent Care, and the Dr. said it could either be an allergy to soap or possibly eczema. I have to make a follow up with his pediatrition sometime this week.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully it is just the soap. Peyton has eczema bad. The places it shows up the most are on his elbows, his knees and back. He gets it on his face too. It is such a PITA. I hate when he has a nasty flare up. It is just one of those things he will always have....sigh. The only thing I found that worked on Peyton was hydrocortisone cream.


Tara said...

I think that if he had eczema, you would have seen it before now. Has he had any new foods, like nuts? Did you switch laundry soap? I would just try and use a mild detergent for clothes, like All free and clear, then use aveeno soap and eucerin lotion. Grease him up!!! Savannah has it too, but we don't have to be as careful now as when she was a baby. If it is an allergy to soap, it should go away if you switch detergent. It could be a food allergy, though. Savannah is allergic to nuts and she was getting exposed to them through my milk, so I stopped eating nuts and her skin cleared up. You could have him tested for food allergies if it doesn't clear up but that is sad :(((((