He made his own little stairs up onto the table so he could try and reach the TV.

Then of course Maddie had to get up there with him...

Last week the TV use to sit on that little table until Chad pulled it off. Yea I know, scary!!! So, I put it up on top of the dresser thinking it would be safe, and now this. So, I guess I will have to figure out another spot for the table so my little monkey can't get to it.
Oh my gosh! That is crazy! Is he already climbing out of his crib? Jacob was a climber like Chad but Savannah only climbs on the couch or chairs. I can't believe that! I would have been scared out of my wits!
No, he's not climbing out of his crib, he's just climbing on anything and everything he can! And then Maddie tries to help him. The other day I walked into the bedroom and Maddie was trying to help Chad up onto the table. Chad was trying to get his leg up onto the table and pull himself up and Maddie was trying to help him by pushing on his butt. It was so funny!
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