Chad was a giraffe. My friend Jamie's son Jadon was a Giraffe for Halloween last year, and when I saw the costume, I was like... I love that, where did you get it? She told me she would give it to me for Chad, and it was a size 18 month, so it fit him perfectly this year!!!! He made a handsome little giraffe!

Maddie has really come out of her shell this year. Last year she was so shy, and this year, she would say "trick or treat" when the people came to the door with the candy... and "thank you" when they would put candy in her bag. And she wouldn't just say it, she would SHOUT it! So funny. And when someone would tell her she was a beautiful princess, she would get that sweet little dimply smile on her face and say "thank you" and you could just see the twinkle in her eye.

Chad was a little nervous at first. Our first stop was Grandma's house. Chad was excited to see grandma as always, and wasn't nervous there, but when we walked back to my Aunt Helen's house he was. We went inside to get their little goody bags and Chad just stood there, wouldn't move, I thought he might be going poo or something, he never just stops and stands and doesn't move. But I guess he was just kinda scared because it's been awhile since we've walked back to my Aunt Helen's house (she lives behind my mom). Our third stop was my mom's next door neighbor, and Chad started to get a little teary eyed. But after the 4th stop he was a pro. And couldn't get to the next house fast enough. One lady had a big bucket of candy, and apples and oranges. I told the lady, Maddie will go for the candy, and Chad will go for the apple. Sure enough, Maddie grabbed a piece of chocolate, and Chad's little hand grabbed for a juicy red apple. He loves his fruit.

I hope everyone enjoyed their halloween. We sure did.

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