I really didn't think it would turn out this dark though. Wow, what a drastic change. When I came home, Chris was shocked, and excited!! He had no idea I was going dark, and the kids acted like nothing had changed. I asked Maddie if I should go back to blonde, and she said "no mommy, I love your new hair!" And the first day back to work with my new look was scary! Everyone was so shocked, and my boss was like "what did you do that for?" He obviously prefers me blonde, but oh well. Some think it's too dark for my complexion, and others love how the dark hair makes my eyes stand out.
It's kinda growing on me. Not sure if I love it, but it's a nice change for winter time, and I will probably go lighter for summer.
I love it. I am always going back and forth to go brunette or red, but stick with the blonde. I guess because I know I like being blonde and afraid to change it. I think it suits you well.
I think it looks great! I always struggle with the same dilemma. I hate the time and $$ that goes into being blonde...when you naturally aren't!
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