Today Chad is 6 months old. He is such a blessing, such a joy, such a happy baby. He's pretty much still sleeping through the night. An occasional waking here and there from his little head rolling over onto his pacifier. Must not feel too good. Then, sometimes he'll wet through his diaper, so that can't be too comfy. Especially when it's so cold! I weighed him the other day, and it said 19 lbs! Geez, he's so big! I can't believe he weighs so much at just 6 months old. I take him in for his 6 month checkup on Jan. 8th, so we'll get a more accurate reading on his weight then. He eats everything, he loves it all, it's crazy. He is so different then Maddie. She is very picky like me, and Chad is the total opposite, will probably take after Chris. These past 6 months have had it's ups and downs (emotionally), but I'm so happy to say that things are great! Chad just loves Maddie, he can't take his eyes off her when she's in the room. He's just started to develop a little temper too. If Maddie takes a toy away from him he'll just cry and fuss until it's returned back to him. We're trying to teach Maddie that if Chad is playing with something, she can't just grab it out of his hand, and if she does take something from him, then she needs to replace it with a different toy. I am so looking forward to the next 6 months. Chad will be sitting on his own before we know it. He's already starting to sit in his stroller, he likes to hold on to the back of Maddie's seat. now, if I could just keep him from grabbing at her and pulling her hair. It really upsets Maddie. Happy 2008!