Then, Jacob (my nephew) came over, and him and Maddie played and kept each other occupied for a little bit. Then, Jacob started getting ancy to open up gifts. My brother was late as usual (LOL), so Jacob was getting really irritated. Poor thing. I remember at that age, I couldn't wait to eat and start openeing presents. So, we told him, as soon as we eat, we'll open gifts. So, he thought if he ate first, he could open presents sooner, it was so cute. The food wasn't even ready yet, and he went into the kitchen, grabbed his plate, and said, he's first in line :) So, he ate, then sat on the couch looking out the window waiting for his dad

Finally they arrived (they were only a half hour late, but to a kid, it seems like eternity), everyone ate, and presents went flying. Maddie got tons of stuff to play with, Barbie guitar, Disney chair, Princess dress, books, clothes, markers, etc.

And Jacob finally got his XBox 360, he was so excited.

So, after presents, we had cookies, and then everyone left. I told Maddie we had to leave cookies and milk for Santa, and carrots for the reindeer. She couldn't wait to pick out a carrot for rudolph!

So, she picked one, and then she helped me poor the milk,

picked out some cookies, and then finally got her to bed, and then me and Chris were up late wrapping, and putting together the Rose Petal Cottage.

Christmas morning Maddie slept in till 9:30! I was up around 8 with Chad, and couldn't wait for Maddie to get up! When she got up, she couldn't wait to see if Santa brought her rose petal cottage, then when she walked out to the living room, Chris had the song from the commercial playing, man, she was all smiles... and said "ya, that's what I wanted!" It was so cute. She couldn't stop laughing. She immediately started to move the sink and crib around, like they do in the commercial. She was in HEAVEN!

Then she started to open her presents, but kept getting distracted and going back to the RPC. We put Chad in his walker and opened the presents for him. I think he was more into the wrapping paper then anything.

Chris and I exchanged small gifts this year. We just wanted to focus on the kids, especially since this is the first year Maddie really understood what was going on. So, I'm getting my hair done for Christmas, and have decided to go back to blonde. I'm so tired of my hair being dark. It just depresses me. I think that's what my problem has been lately, just tired of feeling yucky :( So that was our Christmas, looking forward to next year when Chad will be walking. Seems like such a long time away, but I know it will come quickly!
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