Madison has finally hit the terrible two's, at 2 1/2! I thought, wow, I've got it made, I'm not going to have to deal w/ tantrums, etc. But, oh my, it's BAD! If she doesn't get her way, watch out.

Maddie and Chad have both been exposed to the FIFTH DISEASE! My newphew came down with it somehow, and he was over on Friday/Saturday. Sunday he woke up with a rash, poor little pumpkin. His mom took him to the dr., and they said it's not contagious, but I've been reading up on it, and it's actually very contagious the week before the rash breaks out. Yikes. So, I have to keep a close eye, fingers crossed they don't get it.
Halloween is coming up. Chad is going to be a Sweet Pea, and Maddie is going to be Minnie Mouse. She begs me daily to wear her costume, because she can twirl really good in the dress :)

Will write more later. I should be working right now, both kids are napping. SWEET!
1 comment:
Especially common in kids between the ages of 5 and 15, fifth disease typically produces a distinctive red rash on the face that makes the child appear to have a slapped cheek.
A person with parvovirus infection is most contagious before the rash appears — either during the incubation period (the time between infection and the onset of symptoms) or during the time when he or she has only mild respiratory symptoms. Because the rash of fifth disease is an immune reaction (a defense response launched by the body against foreign substances like germs) that occurs after the infection has passed, a child is usually not contagious once the rash appears.
(from kidshealth.org)
I hope they don't get it. I had no way of knowing since he didn't have the rash when he went there. He had just been sick the week before. Its only been 2 days and the rash is almost gone.
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