Well, things are finally starting to calm down around here. We're all finally feeling like things are falling into place. I never thought I'd be saying that, but I can finally breathe again! It use to be so difficult when we first brought Chad home. I didn't know what to do. Chad would cry, and Maddie would cry, what was I suppose to do? Can't comfort both of them at the same time. Don't know how I did it, but I managed. Maddie (bless her little heart) would just look at me with those big blue eyes, thumb in mouth, blankie rubbed up against her cheek, wanting me to rock her, while Chad is waking from a nap, frantic, wet and hungry. "Don't hold him momma, rock me, rock me" Not sure how to reason with a two year old, not sure if they understand, but somehow, Maddie did. She would climb up on the couch, and lay there and watch her shows until I was done with Chad, then once I layed him down, she'd crawl up onto my lap for her turn to rock and cuddle. I would feel so bad, like I was putting Chad first, and her second. But I'd explain to her that Chad can't talk, he can't do anything by himself, we have to help him, together. Just hoping she would understand, that mommy still loved her as much as she use too, if not more. I look at her, and am amazed by how much she has grown. just by looking at her new recent pic's, and her pic's from when she turned one, how her facial features have changed, her hair has grown (thank god!), but the one thing that has stayed the same, is that beautiful little smile of hers, and that sweet little dimple!

So, today, Maddie has gotten the swing of things. She knows what to expect. She knows that mommy has to feed Chad. She knows that she will get her mommy time no matter what. Just now she has to be a little more patient, and understand that she can't have everything she wants NOW NOW NOW!
Chad has started to fall asleep in his crib on his own. Not sure how I lucked out with that, but it kinda just started happening. I didn't put him down meaning for him to nap at first. I just layed him in the crib because I needed to put a load of laundry in. I put the monitor on so I could hear him. And, I realized that he was just hanging out, not fussy, so I thought I'd let him lay in there while I played with Maddie. Next thing I know, I walked in there to check on him, and he was sound asleep. Not thinking that would ever happen again, I put him down when I thought he was ready for his nap, and the same thing happened. After awhile, he just fell asleep. And, the really weird thing is, he doesn't cry. Maybe because I put him on his tummy (he loves loves loves laying on his tummy) and he is just comfy. Well, we're going on day two of this, so we will see how long it lasts.
1 comment:
I will be so happy once things start settling down here too and we finally get into a working routine. For right now things are still chaotic, but as long as Carter stays on his schedule that makes me happy. I will be happy once they are on the same one.
That is great that Chad is able to self soothe and able to fall asleep on his own. That is a great thing and will be nice in the long run.
Maddie is looking so big. I know I look at Carter and think he looks like a giant. It is so neat to see how much they have changed, but that one thing that reminds you of when they were a baby.
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