So, today is Saturday and everyone's working but me. I was planning on doing the easter eggs with Maddie last night, but our target shopping ended up taking longer then expected. I keep telling myself, next time I need to go shopping, I'm leaving the kids home, but never fails, I end up always bringing them with. Chris was working late, so my mom came with me. I needed to get easter stuff, w/out Maddie seeing, so my mom took the kids over by the toy section, while I went and scoped out the easter section. Everything was of course all picked over, but I got the basics, and couldn't resist picking out a few cute outfits for Maddie. Having a girl is so much fun. Boys are fun too, but I just love all the girly stuff. Anyway, after I got the stuff I needed, I went to look for my mom, and of course heard Chad crying, he was all frusterated and tired poor thing. So, my mom took over the easter shopping and I strolled around target w/ a crying baby who I had to hold to settle down, and a 2 1/2 year old toddler who kept whining "I hold you mommy" agh. So frusterating. Finally, my mom was done, and came walking up and said "Oh, I forgot to tell you, I think Chad pooped." Great! Here that's what his problem was, and me w/ my stuffy nose couldn't smell a thing. I was like, why didn't you tell me this earlier!!!! So, next time, note to self, leave the kids, or at least one of them home.
So, today, when Chad went down for his morning nap, I got all the stuff ready for Maddie to color the eggs. She was so excited. She did pretty good, except for dropping the eggs in the dye, after I told her to gently set them in. So, some of them are cracked, but she didn't care :)

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