This last week has been a rough week for Maddie. She has been acting out more lately, bad tempers if she doesn't get her way, yelling, screaming no, throwing herself down to the ground. Chad took something from her the other day and she got so angry she almost pushed him, I had to stop her. This is so out of charecter for her. I just don't understand what is going on with her. She's wet the bed twice this past week, and she's been out of diapers since January. Some say it's because I've been working more and havn't been home with her as much. I don't know. Chris says she'll think of me and get really sad and say "I want my mommy". It just breaks my heart. I want to be here for her, I just wish she understood that sometimes mommy has to go to work. Hopefully more jobs will be coming in, and I can be home more often for her. She's also pretending to be a baby a lot more lately. It's so frusterating, she whines, and cries at the littlest things. I hope this is just a phase that she grows out of quickly. I want her to be a strong little girl, confident and not shy, but she is completely the opposite. I need to try and get her into some sort of play group or something to help her come out of her shell a little bit.

Chad has been crawling everywhere, getting into EVERYTHING. He's already starting to pull himself up onto things, and will hangout on his knees. He loves to sit in his crib and watch Elmo, he gets so tickled and makes the cutest little squeals when he sees Elmo and even more so with Big Bird. He's doing well with cheerio's, and he's still at 22 lbs. I can't believe he'll be 9 months on the 29th of this month. Where has the time gone?

Well, better start getting ready for work.
Aww, I can't believe how big Chad is now and that he'll be 9 months old soon! I hope Maddie gets out of her funk. Maybe she is like Jacob and doesn't do well with change. Jacob misses Chad and Maddie, he says that he didn't get to see you all this past weekend because you were sick again. I hope your kids start feeling better and that Chris can get some more jobs lined up. Good luck :)
I am sorry you are having such a hard time with Maddie. Carter can be the same way sometimes. His thing right now is fighting napping and going to bed. This is one battle he is not going to win.LOL I am sorry you are under the weather and I hope you start feeling better soon. Glad to hear Chad is doing well. I can't believe how big his is and it just blows my mind that he is going to be 9 mo. They grow up so fast.
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