Sorry I havn't posted anything lately. I've been kinda bummed out because my laptop took a crap. I'm not sure if I've lost everything I had on my computer or not. Chris was using it the other day and it froze up and he turned it off w/out properly closing down and when he went to turn it back on it went to a weird black screen asking us if we wanted to log in in safe mode. We've tried everything. Looks like something happened to windows when he turned it off. Thang god I saved most of my pictures to our external hard drive last month. The only ones I could lose are the pictures from easter, which I'm so bummed about. As soon as we get some extra money and time we will have to get it looked at. In the meantime, we are using Chris's computer, which is sooooooo much nicer then mine because he used it strictly for his music and recording.
So, other then that, not too much going on. Our lease is up August first, so we are going to try and find a bigger place, hoping rent comes down. We are in desperate need of a place w/ a washer and dryer. I think once I have that I will be happy! Would love a yard for the kids to play in, somewhere we could put either a little play house or sand box. We are ready for a change so I'm excited to start looking.
I will try and post some pic's soon.
Ginger Miso Salad Dressing
8 years ago
David might be able to fix it for you. Something like that happened at work, and we had to buy a new computer but he was able to get everything off the old one, even though it wouldn't turn on by removing the hard drive and using this gadget he had to hook it up to the new one. Try logging on in safe mode--by pushing control-alt-delete. At least you had them backed up to an external drive. I would cry if I lost my pics. I think I have 8000 on this computer.
I tried safe mode, it didn't do anything. I hope you have your pic's backed up, that would be terrible if something happened and you lost them.
I don't even want to type it for fear of jinxing myself...but that has happened to 2 of my laptops that last tow Junes in a row!! UGH. Just get me thru June this year and I'll be happy. One good thing is that I'm religious about backing up my pictures now.
We were able to get everything off the hard drive too, but had to pay someone about $100 to do it!
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