Both kids are sick. Chad came down with it last Wednesday, I took off work early to take him into the Dr. to have her check out Chad's rash and that morning he woke up with a bad cough and was having a hard time breathing. His Dr. said that it's just a cold, and the rash is eczema. She prescribed him with some stronger cortizone cream and as for his cough, nothing I can give him except tylenol.
Last night Maddie came down with a cough, and Chad hardly slept. Chris and I were up through out the night checking on Chad because he kept coughing and just couldn't get into a good sleep. This morning he woke up so congested that he couldn't eat anything. I called the on-call Dr. and she suggested I take him into urgent care because he could possibly need a breathing treatment. As I was on the phone with the Dr., Maddie started coughing so hard she started to throw up. I tell you, both kids sick at the same time is no picnic!
Chris was still sleeping through all this crazyness. Maddie just wanted to go and lay in bed and relax, so I brought her in with Chris, and she cuddled up next to her daddy, and I was off to the Dr. with Chad.
As soon as the Dr. saw Chad's rash she said it didn't look like Eczema at all. And, she saw that he had an ear infection (which he didn't have last Wed.). So, she prescribed him with Amoxicillin. She said that should also clear up the rash and that I should stop putting the cream on him that my other Dr. prescribed. I mean seriously, I feel like these dr's are playing a guessing game. No one has any real answers as to what this rash is, it's really kinda weird. At leat Maddie hasn't gotten it so it can't be contagious.
After picking up Chad's prescription we went home and he was so tired, he slept until 4. Then when he woke up he was just so miserable still. We gave him the amoxicillin, and he gagged and cried, I swear, I hate giving medicine. It just seems so cruel. There has to be an easier way to do this!
Both kids are now in bed, watching a show. I can hear poor little Chad in there coughing, and Maddie seems to be doing better. Back to work tomorrow which makes me sad, because I wish I could stay home with the kids, it's always nice to have your mom when your sick. And if I'm in another room Chad is always walking around looking for me. So I know he will be looking for me tomorrow to cuddle with him, poor little guy.
Ginger Miso Salad Dressing
8 years ago
1 comment:
Oh! That post is so sad. Sorry they are so miserable. I've been thru the same thing with Wyatt for the past 10 days. The Dr. I saw at the UrgiCare also prescribed ear drops and I think they are making a big difference! And We put a humidifier in their room with some "vapor steam" added to the water and that really helped the coughing! Hope they are on the mend soon!
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