I love my conversations with Maddie. For instance, today we were driving home from work, Chad was sleeping, and Maddie was in the back just singing away to one of her favorite songs by Aqua (she calls them the Barbie people). And out of nowhere, she says:
Maddie: Mommy, I think when I grow up I'm going to be a bird that flys in the sky.
Mommy: Really honey? That sounds like fun!
Maddie: Will you come with me mommy?
Mommy: Sure baby, I'll come fly with you!
Maddie: Chad can't go because he's just a baby.
Mommy: Ok, maybe when he grows up?
Maddie: Oh, I know, Chad can be a little baby bird!
Mommy: Great idea!
Maddie: And Daddy can be a daddy bird, and you can be the mommy bird, that would be awesome!
Mommy: Your so funny! You make me laugh
Maddie: I do mommy? Oh I love you mommy!
She is so funny with the things she talks about and thinks up. She has the cutest little imagination ever and she just makes me laugh all the time. I love my little Maddie girl!
They do say the funniest/cutest things. My son David is always coming up with something. It cracks me up!
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