Well, first of all, we're all moved in! Moving day was last Saturday, and it took all day to move. We cleaned out my moms garage (we kinda had to in order to get to all our stuff that we put in there 3 years ago!) That was a task in itself! But we got everything over here, unpacked, and it's awesome! Here are a few pic's of our new place.

Maddie and Chad love it here. I thought Maddie would have the hardest time adjusting to the move, but she thinks it's a lot of fun living in a new place, and hasn't cried to go back to grandma's yet. Though she talks about her a lot and we've been over there almost every day since we moved, so maybe it just hasn't sunk in yet. We live right in walking distance to Mi Casa (my fav mexican restuarant). This could be a really bad thing. We are in walking distance to 17th street, which means I'll probably save in gas, big plus!
Another fiasco... Car problems! Last week when we were looking for apts. my battery died and we had to call a tow truck to jump start us. We took it to Pep Boys and they said we just needed a new battery. I've also been having some other problems with my car, it's been missing and not running right, and when we took it in for an oil change two weeks ago they said we needed spark plugs. Anyway, Saturday (moving day) my car stalled, So, Chris took it into Pep Boys on Sunday to get fixed. It turned out to be some minor thing that they were able to fix with no problem. So, Chris and his friend went to go pick my car up. His friend was driving my car back to the house, and he decided to turn onto Newport Blvd. BAD IDEA! Last night of the fair. He was approaching traffic, so he went to get over, and BAM!!! He got hit. Agh. Why me! So, Chris called me to tell me this, I of course am in a panic, freaking out, not knowing exactly what happened, a million questions going through my head, mostly IS MY CAR OK? Pretty much all that happened was my back tire popped, and I have a big red streak down the back end. Totally sucks. So, now I've got to deal with the insurance company. Oh, and Chris's friend's license is suspended because of a DUI. Beautiful. Just my luck! And, I'm driving around w/ a big ol' black spare tire. NICE! Here's some pic's.

Then today I got in my car to go to work w/ the kids, and it kinda hesitated when I tried to start it. Which is exactly what it did before we took it in to get a battery. I called Chris and he told me not to go anywhere, but I had to go to work. So, went to work, and made it home ok. When Chris got home, he was going to take it back to Pep Boys, but when he got in, it wouldn't start. So, we checked on Craigs List for mechanics, and found someone who would come out and fix it tomorrow, kinda sketchy. Chris went to buy an alternator (that's what he thinks is wrong w/ it) (230 bucks! ouch!) and met a guy who owns a shop on 17th, so made an apt. w/ him in the morning. I pray that this is the end of my car problmes.