Dear Chad,One year ago today, I was getting ready to go into the hospital for a scheduled c-section.

I remember packing for the hospital, and having to say bye to your sister. I was scared and nervous. It was a weird feeling knowing I'd be staying away from your sister and your daddy for a few nights, but at the same time I was so excited knowing that I'd be spending that time getting to know my brand new baby boy.At 2:18 p.m. you were brought into this crazy world.

You came out screaming and I of course tears of joy were streaming down my face. They lifted you up over the blue sheet so that I could see you. I couldn't believe it was actually real, I had a son.

We named you Chad Maverick, and our family was complete, a girl and a boy, what more could we ask for?

And with your sister still needing to be center of attention, you were such a cool little baby, that you let her be. Our time together w/out any interruptions was of course your midnight feedings and early morning feedings.

I would set my alarm so that in case you didn't wake, I'd be right there ready to feed you at the exact time. Usually you were already up though waiting to be picked up and fed. You weren't a big crier. You in fact didn't cry much. I thought, this is too good to be true. And when you turned 3 months, you slept through the night.

Another miracle! It seems like you grew up too fast Chad. I feel like I didn't get enough cuddly time with you because your sister was feeling a little jealous, and I had to give her lots of love too.

But you were a trooper, and you hung in there. And today you are such a good little baby.

You love to go on walks. You love being outside period.

You love to eat, man do you love to eat! I think your favorite meal must be Mac N Cheese and hotdogs. You love trying new things which makes me so happy. Your smile makes me smile.

Your giggle touches my heart. And I already know you have such a big heart in that little tiny body of yours. I know this because your sister can be a big ol' brute, knock you over, push you, shove you, and you just look at her with those big blue eyes, like "why did you do that?" But you will shrug it off, and still go back for more. You like to tease your sister already. I can see there could be trouble here. I keep telling your sister, "Someday he's going to be bigger then you!" But I know you two will end up being the best of friends.

I can't wait to see you guys grow together. I'm so lucky to be your mommy. You make my life have meaning.

This year has been full of firsts! You're already walking!

It's so cute to watch you attempt new things and you amaze me each and every day with the new things you do. Your starting to crawl up onto things, stand on things, you even try to climb up the guard rail. I can see you are a little risk taker. And you are also a big flirt. We got you your very first haircut and you are working it, let me tell you.

You've had so many compliments on your new due, and you just love it. Today you are one, happy birthday sweety, I'm so excited to continue to watch you grow. Your life is just beginning! Have fun being ONE! Love Mommy.
Aww. I hope he had a good time at his party! What a great post. I can't believe he's already 1. Time has gone by pretty fast. He was such a little peanut when he was born and now look at him, he's a little boy.
It feels like just yesterday you told me you were pregnant again, and here he is 1 year old already. Time does go by so fast. I hope he had a great time at his party and can't wait to see those messy cake pictures. Happy Birthday Chad!
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