Thursday, April 29, 2010

Has it been that long?

Ok, so I know I've been neglecting this blog BIG TIME! But I had no idea that the last time I made a post was LAST SEPTEMBER!!! I guess you could say life has been hectic, busy, full of crazyness! And we couldn't be HAPPIER!! I'm still working full time, Chris is still a stay at home daddy (for now, he's got a few things in the works!). Maddie will be starting Kindergarten this September (freaking out!!), Chad is still in his terrible twos TIMES TWO!!! LOL!!! Chris and I have been going out on lots of dates lately (since December), refinding ourselves, having FUN TOGETHER AGAIN! Not like we didn't have fun before, but when you've got two kids life can get a bit stressful at times, and you tend to lose yourselves in everything, like work, cleaning up after kids ALL THE TIME, making breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, more cleaning, working full time, laundry, dance class, paying bills, stressing over silly things, well that can sometimes come in between a couple. So I guess we decided we needed more time TOGETHER, more often, and it's been AWESOME!!! Maddie is FINALLY sleeping in her bed after 4 1/2 years! Can't believe how great it is to be able to move and stretch and be comfortable, not to mention be able to snuggle up to my man (best part!). I'll try and upload some recent pictures soon. Sounds like a war is about to break loose in the living room so gotta run!