We all had a wonderful Christmas this year! Christmas Eve was spent at my mom's house, which is a tradition every year to celebrate with family on Christmas Eve. We use to have such a big group of us, but now that family has moved far away, and my grandparents are no longer with us, it's a small gathering.

We decided two years ago to just buy for the kids, which seems like a good idea because they are the ones who are always so excited for gifts, and it's so much fun watching them open the gifts and to see the excitement in their little faces.
Chad was really into his first present, he carefully unwrapped it, and before it was out of the wrapping started to play with his gift. It was so cute.

Maddie ripped into every gift and screamed in excitement over everything. She was so greatful even with her new clothes. She's such a girlie girl and was very excited over all her new dresses and skinnies (that's what she calls her tights).

Jacob was thrilled with his Tony Hawk skateboard that we got him, and super excited over his guitar hero world tour bundle his dad and Lisa got him.

We finished off the night with Derek's homemade texas cake (our grandmothers recipe) and starbucks coffee.

And it wouldn't be complete without a picture of the kids in their comfy flannel jammies their grandma got them!

It was a perfect night!
After coming home and finally getting the kids to sleep, we went straight to work playing santa. After wrapping most of the gifts I realized I left the kitchen set in my mom's garage. So at 11:30 I jumped in my car and drove over and picked it up. Maddie has been wanting a drum set. She goes to Guitar Center with Chris frequently, that's one of their favorite field trip destinations. Maddie has been talking about how she wants a real drum set. I big one with a kick drum. Oh my! I was very hesitant about getting this for her since we live in an 800 sq. foot tiny apt. Chris insisted that we HAD to get one for her. We compromised and got her a junior drum set. Looked smalll in the store, but when we put it together it took up the entire middle of our living room.

Christmas morning Maddie woke up first and was very excited to run out to see if Santa came. Chris had a plan to put the drumset in the kids room so she didn't see it right off the bat. So, while Maddie was going potty, Chris moved the drumset into the bedroom.
Maddie was super excited to see that santa brought her lots of gifts, and Chad was mostly into the candy canes that were freshly hung on the tree. Once he saw those he could care less about his gifts. Chris had to open Chad's gifts while he sucked on his candy cane. It was so funny.

After they were all done opening gifts, Chris went into the kids room and hollered for Maddie. Maddie ran in and couldn't believe there was a drumset in her room!!!! (For those of you who are wondering why she didn't see the drumset when she woke up, it's because she still sleeps with me and Chris, a habit we will have to soon break!). Maddie couldn't wait to play her drumset. Since Christmas though it has spent most of it's stay in our corner by the TV. At least it stack's up!!

As for our gifts we got from each other, Chris got a laptop for his music so he can do his recording on the computer, and I got a diamond ring, I am in LOVE! It's beautiful. It has three diamonds, for past, present and future. I will have to take a picture of it once it comes back from being sized. I don't get it back until Jan. 3rd! I miss it already!
I hope everyone had as wonderful of Christmas as we did!