Thursday, July 24, 2008

The many faces of Maddie

Maddie is such a little ham! Every time I point the camera at her, she stops what she's doing and poses. Usually with a funny face. I took these today and she just had me laughing so hard with the faces she was making I had to share them.

The Dunes

Last Sunday we spent the day w/ family visiting from up north at Newport Dunes. They had a spot for their RV right on the sand. We had a fun day of eating, drinking, and a bonfire w/ smores to top it off. When we got there Chad and Maddie headed right towards the water. I didn't realize that the sand was more like dirt there, because once we got to the water, it was muddy, ew! We also found out there was jelly fish warnings, and some kids actually caught a jelly fish in their bucket. So, playing in the water ended quickly. Here's a cute picture of Chad all muddy, so cute.

Here's Chad after eating his first smores. He loved it, he couldn't get enough of it :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Last night...

I got my hair done, and when I got home Maddie had a surprise for me. Her and Chris made lays, and she couldn't wait to give me mine. Sooo cute!

The Beach

Tonight we took the kids to the beach. It was such a hot and pretty day, but then by the time we got to the beach, it was cold and over-cast. Maddie however enjoyed herself and didn't want to leave. I was surprised at how much she loved the beach. The last time we took her she didn't seem to be that into it. But she just wanted to go farther and farther in the ocean. It was getting cold though and she didn't have her bathing suit and she was shivering. So we had to leave, she cried a good 10 minutes afer we left poor little pumpkin.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Chad's first pair of real shoes.

Tonight I took Chad to get his feet sized. He's been wearing Robeez, but since he's started walking I thought I better get him something that gives him a little more support and more safer in case he were to step on something. I couldn't believe it when they told me he was a size 6! He's only 12 months old and he's a 6? That is just crazy. These are the shoes I got Chad. I just got him some comfy sandals, something easy I can slip on him w/out having to put socks on him.

Maddie got sized and she's already a 9 1/2. She picked out these crazy sparkly shoes. She just had to have them. She was so excited to wear them home. They are Morgan and Milo shoes...

I was going to get me some running shoes, but there was no way Chad was going to last one more store, he only had one nap today and he was D-O-N-E!!!!! So, my shoes will have to wait until another day!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

This morning....

I took the BOB for a stroll. Me and Jacob walked around our neighborhood. I couldn't wait to use it.  Didn't go jogging yet though because I don't have a pair of running shoes. The only tennishoes I have are vans, and they aren't good to run in, plus they are like 4 years old. I live in my flip flops so I really never buy shoes. Pretty pathetic! So, the Bob is so nice, it's like a rolls royce of strollers. My other stroller is sooooo hard to turn, It's like having a car w/ no power steering. The only thing I'm worried about is taking it to the store and just going out and about w/ it. I'm not sure how it's going to fit through doors. Plus it's super heavy. It's really hard for me to close it up and put it in my SUV. The lady in the store made it look so easy. I think I must be picking it up wrong, because every time I pick it up it feels like it's going to open back up on me. Hopefully I'll figure it out soon.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Finally, I got it! Disneyland, here I come, no more headaches w/ my other stroller, can't wait!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


The past few days Chad has been kinda fussy, hasn't had much of an appetite and had a small fever yesterday. I just thought he was getting more teeth in maybe. Well, Chris had today off, so I went into work, and he called me and said Chad woke up with a rash all over his face, tummy and back. Poor little guy. So, it clicked, w/ all the fussyness, no eating, it sounded like he got some kinda virus. Well, today I had an appointment w/ my Dr., which is also Chad's Dr., so I thought, I'll just bring him w/ me, and have the Dr. take a look at him and see what she thinks it is. Right when she saw him she said it looked like a Viral rash, could either be Fifth Disease or Roseola. I'm pretty sure after research it's roseola, he never got the red cheeks like you get with the fifth disease, I remember Maddie had that at Chad's age. They say once they have the rash they are no longer contagious, I just hope Maddie doesn't get it next.

The next American Gladiator?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Chad learned a new word. DOGGY! It's soooooo cute. He started saying it on the
4th. Maddie has this little plastic dog, and Chad got a hold of it, and now it's his new best friend. He'll hold it, look at it and say "doggy". Then he'll try and bark, it's the cutest thing ever! I have it on video, I'll post it as soon as I upload it.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th!

We had a fun day today. We didn't have our usual big party like we normally do. It was just us, my brother and Lisa, and her parents. It was such a pretty day. The kids had so much fun slip-n-sliding, we had yummy hot dogs, mac salad and deviled eggs, and a yummy cake my brother and Lisa brought over. Then we did fireworks. Chad was so tired because he only had his morning nap. I tried putting him down for his afternoon nap, but there was no way with everyone outside on the driveway. So he was a trooper and lasted until 9:30 p.m. Here are some pic's. I had to make 2 slideshows because there were too many pic's for one.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Chad's one year stats!

Today was Chad's one year check-up. I always hate taking him to the dr. because there's always shots involved, and today he had to get 5! He of course screamed his little lungs off, can't even think about it, I hated it! He weighs 23 lbs (50-75th percentile) and is 30.8 inches long (90th percentile). I thought he would for sure be in a higher percentile for his weight, but sounds to me like he's right around where he should be.

Chad's birthday party was a lot of fun. It was a bit cold because we had it under the tree's at the park, but was hot out on the playground. The kids had fun, and it was simple. I of course much prefer the parties at the house, but this was a nice change for once. And a lot less clean up! I will post pic's soon.