Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My camera took a crap!

Sorry for the lack of pic's. My camera's flash has decided to just stop working. So, I guess I just need to take it into the camera store to see what the problem is. Now, it's just finding the time to do that.

Bye Bye Ba Ba

Maddie has finally said bye bye to her ba ba's! I didn't think this day would ever come, because she loves her bottles so much. Especially when Chad gets one or when she lays down for her nap. Since Chad was born, she has had her moments where she acts like she is a baby too, especially when she is drinking her bottle. I was watching Super Nanny the other night, and she had a great idea on how to get a child off a paci. So, I used it for the bottle. Sunday night we were at the grocery store, and Maddie saw a pink princess sippy cup. She just had to have it. I told her I would get it for her if she stopped drinking her ba ba's. She said she would, and I was thinking, ha, right, she's just saying that so I will buy this sippy cup for her. So, I bought it for her, and when we got home, I told Maddie about the Ba Ba Fairy. I told her that she is a beautiful little fairy, kinda like Tinkerbell. And what she does, is she collects old ba ba's from little girls who are too old to be drinking from a bottle, and she delivers them to little babies who need them. I told her that the ba ba fairy will then leave her a special present for giving her bottles away. Maddie looked at me and said "Ok Ma Ma, I will give my ba ba's for the babies". So, we bagged up her baba's, and we took them out to the mailbox. She put them in the mailbox herself, and I couldn't help but to get all watery eyed, because I think I was feeling that this is it, she's no longer a baby anymore. She's potty trained, and now no more bottles. I know this is something we should have done like a year ago, but maybe I was just holding onto this one last thing, who knows. So, that night after she fell asleep, I ran out and grabbed the bottles and in their place, I put a present from the ba ba fairy. I was sad the next morning because I had to go to work, and I wasn't going to see her reaction to the gift in the mailbox. But I guess she woke up and remembered, and Chris took her outside and let her open the mailbox. Inside was a red box with a bow. And inside that box was a princess camera. She was very excited. And to my amazement, she hasn't asked for a bottle since. Thanks Super Nanny!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Chad has outgrown his 12 month sleepers already. I just can't believe how big he has gotten so quickly! I put him in his 18 month sleepers and his little feet have room now. He was in heaven when I went in there to check on him, he was sprawled out and looked so comfy. Wasn't able to grab a pic though, will have to get one later this week.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Good days, bad days!

Chad is on a little roller coaster right now. Not sure if it's a 9 month issue or not, Maddie was always a challenge when it came to bedtime and naps, so at times with Chad, I think, wow, it's this easy? And then other times I think, nope, guess not! Now that Chad is pulling himself up to stand, bedtime and naptime is getting harder and harder. Before I could lay him on his tummy w/ his pacifier, and he would go right to sleep. He was my little miracle baby. But now, I lay him down on his tummy, and he rears right up! He grabs onto the railing w/ those little pudgy hands and pulls himself right up and just looks at me like "why are you leaving me here momma?" This is one thing I could not do with Maddie. I couldn't just put her in her crib and leave her there crying. Now, I'm starting to have these same feelings with Chad now that he is getting bigger and looking at me like he knows what's up! Saturday he went down for his morning nap with just a little bit of a fuss, but when it came to his afternoon nap, there was no way! He would not have it. He cried, screamed, threw the biggest tantrum. I finally gave up. I went in there and he had snot running down his nose, tears a flowing, he could hardly catch his breath, I was just like FORGET IT! I was hoping Chad would be the easy one. He is starting to have his own little personality. It's just so confusing at times. And sometimes he seems to make a game out of it. I will keep going in his room and laying him back down, and he'll start to laugh and will think it's funny that he keeps standing up. It's like I'm frusterated, but at the same time, I am in ah because he is so darn cute! As for playing games, we have this other game that we play when I put him in his car seat. I usually will have his paci in my mouth while I'm buckling him in, and he'll grab it from me with a huge grin, then he'll put it in his mouth, then he'll try and put it back in mine. We'll go back and forth with this a few times, and Chris will be like, enough already. But sometimes we're just in our own little world. I had no idea how precious little boys could be. That little face of his is the most sweetest little thing.

Well, I better start getting ready for work.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Thursday, April 3, 2008

My little ham!

Maddie loves to put on mommy's lipstick, then run and look at herself in the mirror. She just cracks me up!

My silly boy.

Here's a funny video of Chad standing in his crib. He mimicks a lot of things I do, and recently he started clicking his tongue back at me. He has also found his tongue and does some really funny faces. Check it out!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Chad's 9 month stats!

Took Chad to the Dr. today for his 9 month check up. He weighs 21.8 lbs (75th percentile) and is 31 inches long(95th percentile). Dr. said he is a very healthy boy. When Chad was born, his testicles hadn't dropped because he was a little early, happens in some premature babies, not many though. Anyway, both of his testicles dropped by the time he was 3 months, and at every appt. the Dr. checks to make sure he's all there. But, today, the Dr. had a hard time finding one of his testicles. So weird. Poor little guy. I know it's there somewhere, I guess sometimes you have to milk them down, who knew? The Dr. said to keep an eye out and I may need to take him in for an ultrasound and take him to a neurologist. I pray he's ok and that we don't have to worry about surgery. I would just die. Anyway, no shots for my little pumpkin this time around, phew! I do have to take him to the lab sometime and get his iron levels checked before he turns one.