Chad is on a little roller coaster right now. Not sure if it's a 9 month issue or not, Maddie was always a challenge when it came to bedtime and naps, so at times with Chad, I think, wow, it's this easy? And then other times I think, nope, guess not! Now that Chad is pulling himself up to stand, bedtime and naptime is getting harder and harder. Before I could lay him on his tummy w/ his pacifier, and he would go right to sleep. He was my little miracle baby. But now, I lay him down on his tummy, and he rears right up! He grabs onto the railing w/ those little pudgy hands and pulls himself right up and just looks at me like "why are you leaving me here momma?" This is one thing I could not do with Maddie. I couldn't just put her in her crib and leave her there crying. Now, I'm starting to have these same feelings with Chad now that he is getting bigger and looking at me like he knows what's up! Saturday he went down for his morning nap with just a little bit of a fuss, but when it came to his afternoon nap, there was no way! He would not have it. He cried, screamed, threw the biggest tantrum. I finally gave up. I went in there and he had snot running down his nose, tears a flowing, he could hardly catch his breath, I was just like FORGET IT! I was hoping Chad would be the easy one. He is starting to have his own little personality. It's just so confusing at times. And sometimes he seems to make a game out of it. I will keep going in his room and laying him back down, and he'll start to laugh and will think it's funny that he keeps standing up. It's like I'm frusterated, but at the same time, I am in ah because he is so darn cute! As for playing games, we have this other game that we play when I put him in his car seat. I usually will have his paci in my mouth while I'm buckling him in, and he'll grab it from me with a huge grin, then he'll put it in his mouth, then he'll try and put it back in mine. We'll go back and forth with this a few times, and Chris will be like, enough already. But sometimes we're just in our own little world. I had no idea how precious little boys could be. That little face of his is the most sweetest little thing.

Well, I better start getting ready for work.