So, my little man is teething, and has been for the past month and a half. I was surprised that he was already getting teeth at 6 1/2 months because Maddie was 9 months when she got her first tooth. I guess she was late. So, he's already got his two top and two bottom. Now he's getting two more on top, right next to his two front teeth. I've been having to give him Motrin at night because he just can't seem to get comfy. He's usually so easy to put down for bed, but lately not so easy. I can't just lay him down anymore without a fuss. I hate it. I could never do the crying out thing w/ Maddie, I just wouldn't do it. And I told myself with Chad I was going to have to do things differently because there's now way I can have 2 children sleeping in our Queen bed, Maddie takes up most of the bed as it is now. So, I thought I was lucky when Chad was going right to sleep, no crying, I would lay him down, he'd grab onto his paci, and to sleep he went. I thought, how lucky am I? There's no way it's this easy! Well, of course, all good things must come to an end. It took about 4 times to put him in his crib tonight. He just cried and cried. Well, actually it was more of a scream and a wail. And, he gets right up to the edge of the crib, and gets up on all fours and just looks at me, like "why are you leaving me mama?" Agh, I hate that! So of course, I have to pick him up and shush him and tell him it's ok. I know a lot of it has to do with his gums hurting and all. It's so sad that they have to go through all that pain, especially when they don't understand why they are in pain. Hopefully he can get back to his good sleeping habits soon. Until then, I guess I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.