Last night we took the kids to get their Christmas Pic's done. Surprisingly it went well. Other then the long wait at Babies R Us. We had a 7:00 appt., and didn't get in until 7:45! So, Chad was a bit fussy, not to mention a little constipated! Madison however was loving the camera, and the camera loves her! She put her shyness away, and was giggling, posing, I was shocked! Hmmm.. maybe she'll grow up to be a model :) Chad wouldn't sit still, nor would he crack a smile. Like I said, he was constipated, so he was a bit uncomfortable. We only got two pic's with him in it, and the lady at Babies R Us had to take one of the pic's and make a close up of his face just so we could get one of him by himself :) So, they turned out really cute. Next challenge, to get Christmas pic's with Santa. Maddie is so shy that I'm certain that is going to turn out disasterous, but we must try! I told her she needs to tell Santa what she wants or she might not get the right stuff :)