It's been ages since I posted something, I have been so busy w/ these two children, that I barely have time for myself these days.
Today Chad is 7 weeks old, as I always say, it's amazing how fast time flies. Seems like just yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital. My recovery this time around was so easy, I hardly remember being in any pain. Chad started smiling last week, but I was just able to capture it on camera just the other day. He is so darn cute! Usually when he wakes up at 3 am, I'm so exhausted, and cranky because I just want to sleep, but then when I take him and lay him on the changing table, and he looks up at me w/ that big adorable grin, I am no longer tired, nor irritated, you just can't be w/ that big grin looking up at you, it just melts my heart.
Madison is such a great big sister! She's so mature for her age, and is so gentle w/ him. Every time he cries, she runs up to him and pats his little tummy and says "your stomach hurt Chad? Aww!" It's so cute. And then she'll say "I pet him?" Then she touches his little head and gives him a kiss. And she's very good about putting his pacifier in his mouth when it falls out. Also, when he's in his swing, she sometimes stops it so that she can bend down and kiss him. It really is way too cute. I'm so lucky that she is so good with him. That was one thing I was worried about.

Well, I will try and be better about posting more stuff more frequently.