Today is the end of my week's vacation. I had 9 days of NO WORK, and it was so great to be able to not have to set my alarm clock every night. I looked forward to Chad crawling into bed with me in the mornings, and of course Maddie was already IN bed with us. I will miss my late night evenings with my hubby playing scrabble and watching movies. All things come to an end. Now I will just need to plan another vacation, maybe for Christmas time! Next summer I would like to take 2 or 3 weeks, that would be ideal!
So, my week started off with having to go up to Lake Gregory so Chris could lay some steps at this guys cabin. The whole fam (including Roxy) drove out there, in hopes we could have some fun while Chris when Chris finished the job. He anticipated that it would only take 5-8 hours. On the drive up there, Maddie got sick. And she waited right until we reached the small town on top of the mountain. Man was it gross, she got sick everywhere, poor little thing. But, we cleaned her all up and finally made it to the cabin. I have to say, it wasn't what we expected. Chris's friend said there was water slides, a beach we could go to and they had lots of food for the kids. Well, when we got there, the water slides had no water, the beach was nowhere near their cabin, and they had no "good food!" What I mean by no good food is... their milk was in a mayonaise jar, they served us left over pot roast, and there was no juice for Chad. So, ok.. I guess I should have been prepared and brought what we needed, however they said they had everything so I didn't bother packing food/drinks. Maddie was devestated when she found out there was no CABLE, no Sponge Bob, no ICarly, NO JONAS? I was bummed that I had no reception on my phone. NO TEXTING, NO FACEBOOK? The worst thing is Chris worked the whole 2 days we were out there, so we spent all day in the cabin. We did walk to the lake the 2nd day we were out there, and there were so many bugs, bee's and DIRT!

I think Roxy had the most fun, she had a friend to play wiith the whole time!

This dog did nothing but beg the whole time. I don't know how many times I had to replace their cheese and crackers!

Ok, so I'm not much of the outdoorsy kinda girl. I hate the mountains. Why I thought this would be fun, who knows. But we went, realized that we could survive without our favorite things, and I think Chris got a kick out of me not being able to text or facebook! LOL.
The rest of my time off we spent at the pool, disneyland and the beach! Lot's of walks, going to the park and trips to the icecream store.
Here are a few pic's of our day today at Dog Beach in HB!